Celluvation PCN Light
Celluvation PCN Light Manual
(click link to download manual) https://jmp.sh/VuTCeAr
How to Use Frequency Rocket PCN Light
460nm Blue
630nm Red
660nm Red
850nm Near Infrared (Not Visible)
940nm Near Infrared (Not Visible)
Non-pulsating Mode:
a. Press button once and all 5 LEDs turn on – blue 460nm, red (630nm 660nm) and near infrared (850nm 940nm) will be on. Note that near infrared light is invisible to the human eye so it may appear that the LEDs are off, but in fact the infrared is on.
b. Press again and all LEDs will be on except the blue 460nm.
c. Press again and only the blue 460nm will be on.
d. Press again and all the LEDs diodes will turn off.
Pulsating Mode:
a. Press the button once and all the 5 LEDs turn on
b. Press the button and hold for 5 seconds until the lights blink – all the 5 LEDs are now pulsating.
d. Press again and only the blue 460nm will be pulsating.
e. Press again and all the LEDs diodes will turn off.
I want to share with you my result with using the PCN (Policosanol) Laser from Celluvation. I started my trial with the laser on January 20, 2022.
Pain level in the right medial knee was a sharp 8 to 9 out of 10, especially when going down stairs. I have been using the PCN laser for 10 days now, of 4 – 5 minute sessions all around the right knee area for a total of 20 minutes per day. Now today on 01/02/2021 the right knee pains is, a dull pain of about a 1 to a 2 out of 10. I have for over 30 years worked in the Marine Construction field, with a very hostile environment having a temperature of minus 30 at the start of each season in the Canadian Arctic. The result of all the hard work is I have had progressively worsening Osteoarthritis, for 15 years.
I just in the last 2 weeks, I also had an MRI to confirm this diagnosis. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down and gradually worsens over time.
Medications, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery can help reduce the pain and maintain joint movement. The fact that the knee pain is going down daily using the laser, to me is a miracle! I can walk without pain and thus can restart exercising once again! The laser seems to be helping to rebuild the knee. Exciting for me!
Now I have had another testimony. I have had to get up every two hours at night to go pee recently. I lasered the acupuncture points Ren 6 and Ren 4 for 5 min each per day for the last 3 days. Ren 6 is located the width of ones hand below the bellybutton midline of the body and Ren 4 is two fingers width below Ren 6. Ren 6 and Ren 4 are also used for helping with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and Prostate issues. What happened is that lasering those two points daily for 5 minutes allowed me to sleep last night (01/02/2022) for 5 hours straight. Also, when I took my blood pressure the first day of lasering Ren 6 and Ren 4 for 5 minutes my Blood Pressure became 116/76 where it normally is running around 132/85. Last night I was very happy to sleep for 5 hours straight. What a difference in feeling rested this morning!

I am very happy with the result with my sleep last night and also with my knee as this knee was a condition for the last 15 years with constant pain and aggravation and I thank God for the invention of the PCN Laser device! My suggestion is that you can use the laser directly on any problem areas that one may have with the body, but also one can help a multitude of conditions by lasering specific acupuncture points that will help address and resolve various conditions by going to this acupuncture site called https://pointfinder.org/#whole-body. You will find using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) like acupuncture stimulation, can accelerate healing dramatically, as it has with me. Thank you!
San Diego, CA
Here are some clinical studies from www.PubMed.gov on Policosanol and Laser protocol effectiveness:

A 56 year old lady with 10 year history of osteoarthritis. The worst area was on her left metatarsal as circled in picture #1. She was told that she would require a bone replacement eventually. She had excruciating pain with a 10/10. The pain was very intense with any pressure on her foot as in walking. She required special walking shoes. She could not wear any other shoes. She had limited ROM. In fact, she could not bend her toe at all. She was taking pain medication 4 times a day.
May 9, 2022

After 2 weeks of using the PCN light the swelling had been reduced
After using the PCN light for 1 month, her pain was down to a 5/10 when doing any activity and 3/10 at rest. She no longer is taking any pain medication!!!
She is so happy that she can actually bend her toes now. She currently is doing her favorite hobby of gardening every day and the best of all she is wearing normal summer shoes.
She is amazed for this incredible light and every household should have one.
May 22, 2022